How to Prevent CO (Carbon Monoxide) Poisoning

Carbon Monoxide (CO) Poisoning can be prevented. Never block the combustion air vents. Ensure that all appliances are installed according to code as well as manufacturer’s instructions. Never burn charcoal inside a home, garage, vehicle, or tent. Have the heating...

Appliance Safety

According to the January 2013 issue of Consumer Reports, “Appliance problems, including fires, topped the list of incidents filed in 2012 with the federal data base that gives consumers a way to report complaints…” Consumer Reports goes on to say “in our March 2012...

Smoke Detectors

In an emergency; a smoke detector can be one of the most valuable devices in your home. They can alert you to a silent killer as you sleep, or warn you that the cookies are done, OK, over done. But in either case they can save your life and property from damage. Over...