Home Inspections Plus, LLC
   for all your home inspection needs

Questions You Should Ask...
...when choosing a home inspector

Choosing a home inspection company is an important decision for every home buyer. A thorough, pre-purchase inspection of a house can be your best defense against unwanted surprises after you move into your new home.

On this page of our site, we'll try to give you some insight into what questions you should ask when selecting a home inspection service. Even if you don't choose Home Inspections Plus+, we'd like to help you make an educated decision.


The Company

1. How long have you been in the business as a home inspection company?
2. Are you involved with or associated with any other business?
3. Do you have professional Liability insurance?
4. Do you have Errors & Omissions insurance?
5. Do you encourage the client to attend the inspection?
6. How soon can you typically schedule an inspection?
7. How long will the inspection take?

The Inspector

1. Are you experienced in residential inspections?
2. How many residential inspections have you performed?
3. Are you a certified member of the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI)?

The Report

1. How much will the inspection cost?
2. What will the inspection report include?
3. Will you prepare a written report?
4. Is the report hand written or computer based?
5. How soon is the report available?
6. Can we see a sample of your report?
7. Does the report conform to ASHI Standards?

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